Sunday, February 6, 2011


As editor of this blog i would like to thank you for the support you are showing towardws the 2FRESH N 2FLY Brand. The brand seems to be growing day by day and we hope to reach greater heights by the end of this year. ya'll might not know this but this is the first update for the blog. The blog will be updated regulary, bringing to you the latest in music, movies, new 2F clothing, LOl i know the fellows are gon love this one, every month we are gona have A FLY HONEY of the month and we gon be focusin on new and upcomin artists in South Africa, so keep checking the blog every now and then.
In the mean time checkout this Months Issue of 2FRESH N 2FLY, Wis Out *5 STAR FR3SH*

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