Hip-Hop has changed dramatically what was considered to be violent and an intimidating form of lifestyle. Hip-hop has become the mainstream or the default musical setting of the culture. As a result rap, graffiti & dancing are now used to sell everything from fast food to cars, brand marketing and used to gain access to youth in danger. Hip-hop has gone beyond being just about music, but hip-hop has actually become a brand, a lifestyle and an urban culture that almost everybody aspires to be associate with – even big corporate.
It is estimated that 80-percent of urban youth can be reached through Hip-Hop, which encompasses rap, graffiti, dancing and fashion. With that said Dios Mismo Entertainment cc, a youth-owned entertainment and events coordinating entity has surfaced the idea of an event that will be used to present the South African hip-hop market, preferably dancers, with opportunities of growth. This does not only pertain to growth in their dancing but growth in their spiritual, mental, psychological and professional facets of life. DA KRUMP FACEOFF is such an event, this is a dance competition that places it’s focus on the development of hip-hop dancers, whereas the aim of this event is that every dancer that competes in this competition will be challenged in every regard; psychologically, mentally, physically & professionally.